Takeaway foods are in trend these days. People are so busy with their daily schedule that they do not have time to sit and eat a proper meal. Takeaway food is often cheap and satisfying. But they do not fulfill your daily nutrient requirement. Sometimes they can exceed the amount of salt and fat required by the body. This can cause various health issues like heart disease, diabetes, Low Blood Pressure etc. Some take away restaurants give you the detail of the nutrient value about the food they offer, making it easier for you to select the food with fewer calories.
Given below are some important tips for ordering healthy takeaway food:
1.Selecting Australian Takeaway:
Generally, Australian cuisines are a good choice as they are rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Avoid crumbed and fried dishes to avoid calories. Choose grilled lean meats. If you want to eat chicken, skinless chicken is best for you. One good option is grilled fish with salad. Fish and chips are the most popular takeaways but somewhere you can also find salads in take away foods in Melbourne.
2. Chinese takeaway:
Chinese cuisines are very tasty and are generally fried. If not fried, the dishes require a large amount of oil for preparation. When you are choosing a Chinese cuisine as your takeaway food then opt for Stir-fries with lots of colorful vegetables. Anything steamed would be the best choice like steamed dumplings, steamed vegetables and buns. Avoid fried food like spring rolls, sweet or sour pork.
3. Thai Takeaway food:
Thai cuisines are rich in nutrients because they contain fresh vegetables and are a high source of proteins because they serve seafood and chicken.
Whenever making a takeaway choice always take grilled or steamed meats. Try to take the dishes made from lime, chilies and seafood. Do not forget to take the salad as this will add nutrients to your diet and to your body as well. Prawn soup and Thai beef are counted amongst some healthier options.
4. Italian Takeaway:
Do not order thick pizza base. Avoid pizza toppings that are fatty like salami, bacon and cheese or any creamy based pasta sauce. Include instead a thin base with lots of vegetable toppings and pasta sauce made with tomatoes like napolitana and marinara. If possible go for the whole wheat pizza. It would be the best option.
You can make your takeaway a healthy one by:
• Adding vegetables to your pizza stir-fries etc.
• Select whole grain like brown bread, brown rice – they are comparatively more healthy
• Always add a side salad with your meal.
• Always opt for low fat variety for dairy products.
• Choose oil with low Trans fat and saturated fat.
Healthy food is a way to healthy life. It is important to eat a healthy diet instead of eating junk and unhealthy food.
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